Avocado for Beauty? This delicious green fruit doesn’t just have to be smashed and slathered on toast or made into guacamole (as tasty as that is!)
Avocados are naturally nutrient-dense and contain an astonishing number of essential vitamins, antioxidants and minerals (nearly 20 to be exact!), as well as fatty acids that do wonders for your body and not just on the inside. So why not use them in your beauty routine as well as in a salad? Let’s look at 4 genius ways you can use an avocado for beauty treatments at home.
Repair Damaged Hair: A great repairing hair treatment can be made by combining 1 avocado, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and one (raw) egg together in a blender. Apply to dry or damp hair and comb through, pop on a shower cap and leave for a minimum of 15 minutes. To remove, double shampoo and rinse with tepid/cool water and follow with your regular conditioner. Vitamin E helps to prevent damage and vitamin B promotes cell renewal, resulting in stronger hair. Your hair will also be super shiny afterwards!
*TIP* Make sure the water you rinse with is not warm/hot as you will cook the egg!
Soothe Sunburn: Spent too much time in the sun? Don’t panic, try this great homemade alternative to aloe vera. Mash up one avocado with a table spoon of olive or coconut oil and apply to your burnt areas to instantly calm and soothe the skin.
Nourish your Face: Do you have sensitive skin or are concerned about the number of chemicals that can be found in face masks? If so, a DIY face mask can be a perfect solution. Made with pure, fresh and natural ingredients: 1 avocado; a table spoon of raw honey and yogurt. Mush together and apply to a freshly cleansed face and leave for 15 minutes. The combination of ingredients helps moisturise and rid dead skin cells, leaving you with a more youthful glow!
*TIP* You can smash the avocado and mix together ingredients by hand, but we recommend trying a blender if you have one.
Buff your Body: This body scrub is all you need to slough away dead skin and give yourself a surge of moisture at the same time. To make this scrub, all you need is a very ripe avocado, coconut oil and sugar. Add two tablespoons of melted (not hot) coconut oil to a peeled and stoned avocado and mix together. Put this into a bowl, add 200 grams of granulated white sugar and stir well. This makes enough to buff your whole body, be sure to use it all as any excess won’t keep. For more reasons why you should exfoliate, check out this article.
Yay for Avocados! If you try any of these out, let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.