This recyclable cup may just be the best alternative to tampons and sanitary napkins
We’ve been contemplating a switch from tampons to a menstrual cup for a while now, but the idea of a cup always seemed a little daunting. But like they say, don’t muck it until you try it! Right?
The launch of Lunette – a menstrual cup company – also got us thinking about the standard menstrual support products that add a serious mileage to our carbon footprint – a year’s worth of disposable pads and tampons leaves a carbon footprint of 5.3kg CO2 per person.
So, what is Lunette? It is a female-led global company that offers the future of feminine protection. In a bid to further its environmental footprint, Lunette’s packaging is fully recyclable, including the ‘window’ on the cup box, which is made from vegetable cellulose. The Lunette Menstrual Cup lasts at least two years with proper care and can be burned to ash when it’s to be replaced. Isn’t that fascinating?
Easy and safe to use, the new vegan menstrual cup is made of soft, toxin-free medical-grade silicone and each cup can last up to 12 hours. And if you are wondering about the effect on the environment? By using Lunette you eliminate up to six hundred tampons (two years-worth of period products) – the average person disposes of about 300 lbs. of period trash in their lifetime. That’s as many pounds as one Sea Turtle weights.
Lunette Menstrual Cup retails at $42 (AED 157.5 and Euros 38.26) and is available in a vibrant violet colour and two sizes. Buy it at Boots, Spinney’s and United Pharmacy stores and online at Amazon.com. Visit lunette.com for more information
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